Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How clean

So I have seen this commercial several times and feel that it is time to question the selling motive. Lysol has a new soap dispenser out that automatically dispenses soap when a hand is placed close to it. Very cool technology wise. This device implores several things such as motion sensor electronics and dispensing motor etc... While very cool, the ad states that you will never have to touch a germy soap dispenser again which is possible I guess. The fact is though atleast to me, is that the point of soap and washing of the hands is to kill the germs and in my mind if you touch a germy soap dispenser to get soap and then wash your hands, you kill the germs anyway so I guess I dont really see the point. I realize this is a commercial and the goal is to sell a product but I feel as though people understand that using soap kills germs, thats why we wash our hands.

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